I wish some of the friendly skirmishes I have with Sherry could play out like a football game.
She often accuses me of things I said or did that are totally off the mark. She thinks I went out of bounds in my behavior when my ”accurate” recollection tells a different story.
This is the answer: I have challenge flags I can throw at anytime during an argument or discussion. Then Sherry and I can gather around the replay monitor to see what really transpired. I’m certain this will always work in my favor.
Sherry thinks otherwise. She says that in the heat of competition, I become a bit delusional (I needed to look up the meaning of this big word and I didn’t like it).
My friend and smart researcher Scott Stanley says I’m nuts. He tells me it’s never a good idea to go back and reexamine past scenarios. He says: deal with today and move forward.
Okay, I’ll put my challenge flag back in my pocket.
But I’m not ready to throw it away.