Growing Old, Gracefully.
Stories that help you find peace, hope, and happiness.
Don’s Most Recent
It does not take a village
It takes one dynamic person who wishes to make a major contribution to his or her community. Two years ago, I started a venture called CONNECTIONS. It has blossomed and helped several hundred Northern Nevada residents make fun and meaningful connections with others in their …
Marital bliss
A few mornings ago, I was taking my early morning walk after smashing Sherry in our two hands of gin rummy we play at 5:30 each morning. After our competition, I routinely walk down our long driveway to our mailbox and back. Sherry needed subtle revenge, so she reminded me I …
Yes, I once again have done an evidence-based study, and I am searching for a scientific journal to publish my findings for the world to devour. It’s about reassessing one’s true age. I just need a little help from anyone who passed a ninth-grade math class. Based on …
What’s your favorite fiction book of all time?
I like to ask that question of my friends. It gives me a refreshing perspective of what counts for them on the inside. A few of my intellectual buddies (you know, the Ivy school crowd) came up with books I didn’t know and couldn’t pronounce. I wrote down the titles as …
Boy and the gang
Boy is waiting for me each morning, just where I left him the night before. He is the leader of a band of animals who hang out on my bed during the day. Some of my macho friends make fun of me, but I love the stuffed animals who keep me company when I …