I feel no obligation to give Christmas gifts to those adults I love.
Thank goodness.
Casual acquaintances have accused me of being lazy or uncaring for my lack of attempting to figure out what my friends may be hankering for but have failed to purchase for themselves. That’s okay. I don’t care.
While throngs were shopping on Black Friday, I chose to handwrite personal letters to a few close friends and relatives. My hunch is they will appreciate the correspondence more than a yellow scarf with matching, mis-sized gloves.
Little kids are different. Gifts are great. I like to give toys to children that make loud sounds that drive parents nuts. When it comes to kids, practical gifts like shirts or socks are no good. I search for toys that have no real purpose but may tweak a child’s imagination and make them laugh out loud.
Now, if you are looking for the perfect gift for me (I’m a 74-year-old kid at heart), I can never have enough Kong balls. My dogs keep stealing them from me and burying them in the backyard.