It’s January.
Each year, I’m enthralled with the holidays, but I experience a sigh of relief when they are behind me.
I’ve put two guiding words up on my refrigerator for 2020: JOY and KINDNESS.
JOY: This year, I plan to move consistently toward people who bring me joy. In reviewing my 2019 journal last night, I discovered many lapses when I invested time with individuals who offered me a steady diet of “helpful, constructive criticism.” Of course, in personal matters, there is no such thing. This year, I’m going to hide behind trees when I see one of these self-proclaimed coaches coming my way.
KINDNESS: A few years ago, a friend and mentor, Bill Miller, expressed to me how the simple expression of kindness can change the world. I will get better at this. It need not be a big thing. A friendly wink of support, a well-timed thank you, a phone call to a friend in distress and so many little acts of kindness all count toward creating a more loving place.
In 2020, I’m going to sneak a little joy and kindness into everything I do.