At my age, you’d think I’d be smarter in a lot of ways. After all, years represent experience and experience should convert to wisdom. It hasn’t worked that way for me in all matters.
I keep thinking people will automatically think the same way I do – that they will see and understand events in the same, common-sense manner that seems so obvious to me.
This is especially apparent when it comes to politics. I develop very specific points of view about decisions made at federal, state and local levels. Sometimes these policy decisions make good sense. Other times, they seem just plain stupid. In my mind, I assume all sane people see things the way I do.
Guess what? They don’t. How could so many people be so wrong?
It has taken me many years to realize we should all be careful when it comes to things we think we know for certain. Sometimes that is hard for me to do – particularly when someone who sees things differently talks as if they have it all figured out.
Don’t get sucked in. Sometimes just being quiet is the highest order of wisdom.