As I age, I’m becoming alarmingly skilled at putting off little stuff I don’t enjoy doing.
During my hard-charging work years, I lived by the principle of attacking early each morning those jobs I least wanted to handle. I’d get those puppies out of the way so the rest of my day could be enjoyable and stress free.
Now, when there is less on my plate, I sit in my comfortable chair each morning and think about all the little tasks I could be knocking out… but now may not be the ideal time. I sip my second cup of coffee. I read last week’s Reno Gazette-Journal. I enjoy devouring the sports pages during this time when there are no sports to report.
This is what’s on my uninspiring list this morning:
1. Get the oil changed in my car.
2. Get the oil changed in my other car.
3. Drop off the dry cleaning.
4. Call my brother-in-law and tell him I’m not coming.
5. Show up for the meeting at the office.
I can come up with a longer list, but I’m putting it off for now.