I’m angry. I’ve had it with these plastic wrappings that protect purchases. I can see what’s in the package, but even Godzilla cannot get to the contents.
A kind and sympathetic reader sent me an expensive hair removal kit after reading my recent post about a huge hair dangling from my left ear. I saw the cool contraption inside the protective casing. This battery-operated tool could handle all hairs sprouting up anywhere on my body, including my inner nose passages (I’m not saying that’s a problem for me).
I’m eager to get it out and try it on a few delicate areas. But my manly, calloused fingers cannot break through the packaging. I use my big scissors. No luck. I go to my tool shed and find my electrical saw. The manufacturer isn’t playing with some citified amateur! But my saw slips off the magic plastic – and takes a piece off my ring finger.
I’m in a fit. It’s hammer time. I set the hair removal kit on my work bench and slam it with my trusty mallet.
It works. The plastic casing splinters into little pieces. So does my hair removal kit.
As we grow older, I’ve decided uninvited hairs should be thought of as a rite of passage. I’m going to let mine be.