My guess is, most people over 70 have times when they are struggling a bit.
I’ve hit a few weeks of this. Nothing big, mind you. Just little, nagging medical issues and personal decisions I need to make. I keep pushing them off for another day. Then another week or so. They linger in my mind and make me a bit anxious.
I went for a walk in a beautiful park with a friend who happens to be a psychiatrist and asked for advice. She said, “What would be the recommendations from an 85-year-old Don to help out the 75-year-old Don?” (I assumed she knew I was the 75-year-old Don in this scenario) Then she left me alone by a big pine tree for 15 minutes.
When my friend returned, she asked me if I had received sound advice.
I said, “Yes, the old guy gave me some straight answers. He’s so much smarter than me.”
If you get in one of those funks, I’d recommend you seek advice from the you 10 years down the road.