smiled before going to bed last night. My thoughts were about how fortunate
I’ve been to have so many readers of my Aging blog write back to me with words
of wisdom and encouragement. I can’t express how deeply it has enriched my
One observation that has been proven over and over is that we all have more in
common as caring human beings than what separates us. I throw out a brief
story about how I messed up, and I receive 10 stories back, often better
written than my original, about circumstances in your lives that mirrored my
own experience. It feels so good to know I’m not the only one who can botch
things up and come out the other side a better person.
One thing is for sure. We are all aging. We only have this brief moment in time
to make sense of why we exist. So many of my “blog buddies” express that after
the first few decades of lives full of trial and error, they settle into a
quiet rhythm of helping others in so many little ways.
I wish to thank each of you for supporting my Aging blog and letting me know it
is never too late to do a little bit better than I did yesterday.
Isn’t that what aging is all about?