When can I earn the right to be called an old guy? That magic age keeps creeping up higher and higher.
Back in high school, I thought my parents were pretty darn old. Why else would they be watching “The Lawrence Welk Show”?
My mind changed when I approached 40 and thought of being able to retire at 60. I said to myself, “In another 20 years, I will quit working, kick back and enjoy doing nothing like all the old people do.”
Now, still working at 74, I question whether I qualify to be called an elderly gentleman.
In Nevada, I look around me at people of all ages. In our state, 74% of the population is under 65. Percentagewise, the best state to be around folks over 65 is Maine, closely followed by Florida. Would I be better off moving there?
Maybe I’ll reach old age when I’m 100. If so, I should move back to the state I was in: Iowa. It is one of three states (Connecticut and Hawaii being the others) that would give me the best shot at enjoying the company of other centenarians.
Sherry says I shouldn’t waste my time thinking about all this aging stuff. Besides, a rerun of “The Lawrence Welk Show” is about to start.