All over the place, I see signs that read, “We’re hiring.” Often, a signing bonus is offered for anyone who accepts a position. At the same time, I’ve noticed many small businesses needing to reduce their hours or even close for a day or two because of an employee shortage. How sad.
I wish I could go in and apply for every open position. I have plenty of experience on my side. I sat down and counted the number of jobs I had from the time I was 10 until the time I started The Change Companies® over 30 years ago. I stopped counting at 18. I’ve been a pin spotter in a bowling alley, a dish washer, a flower delivery guy, a short-order cook, a car washing expert, a sports writer, a window washer, a golf ball picker-upper, a fundraiser, a college dean, a soda jerk, a dance instructor, a cast house operator, a cab driver and many more exciting positions.
I enjoyed every one of them. Combined, they greatly define who I am today. Now, near retirement, I may search the help wanted section of the Nevada Appeal and see how I can assist a worthy business.
Okay, I lied.
I’ve never been a dance instructor.